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If you are in a position that booking a reading could impact your well-being more seriously, I encourage you to use my sliding scale middle tier starting at $100-$150.

If purchasing a reading would lead to a harmful impact in your immediate life (unable to pay for rent, transportation, food, etc), and would create hardship, please utilize the sliding scale, with a suggested starting rate of $70.

Being honest with our financial situation builds strong community, and I encourage to you assess your access with radical commitment to making room for others. Feel free to contact me with questions or needs—I encourage conversation!

Sliding Scale readings

Sliding Scale Readings are designed to give folks access to my work and acknowledge the systemic inequalities of class in our culture.

I use the framework of sacrifice VS hardship as created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk: if purchasing a reading would mean you might need to budget and sacrifice certain things for the month, but it would not have a long-term impact on your financial well-being, I encourage you to pay the full value of my readings at $150.

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