photo by @davidofearth

photo by @davidofearth

The potions of art and assistance I create live in the sweet intersection of behavioral science, magic & spirituality and theater.

I study human behavior everywhere:

In astrology I explore a trauma informed approach to the way archetypal energy can support us in knowing ourselves & our patterns.

In performance & acting I embody the full range of human emotions & motivations to create connection & understanding.

In my directorial and production work I give humans the opportunity to explore the many facets of their internal world, to make art out of their struggles and to feel visible in their triumphs.

In short, whatever I’m doing—whether writing jokes for my stand up comedy goblin or volunteering with a hospice patient— it is my mission to hold people in a joyful exploration of their authentic wholeness.

As a queer, magical, witch and weirdo I am here for the artists, the renessaince souls of many talents, the non normative seekers, the freaks of emotional intelligence, the magicians of inner play and power. All of my work is intended to facilitate powerful space for our behavioral patterns to unfold, our humanity to be cherished, our messiness to be embraced, and our aliveness to be celebrated.


 I lived in NYC for 10 years, graduated from NYU TISCH and moved back to my hometown of Portland, OR so that I could rub elbows with more trees than people. Nature is enormously important to my spirit, body and practice. Ya’ll can call me an eco-sexual if you want. I wouldn’t deny it.

In my six years back in my hometown I continue to work as a professional creator, actor and writer, often find myself down the metaphysical rabbit hole, and have consistently remained true to my belief in fairies. 

I create solo shows that elevate consciousness and incite environmental justice awareness & change like MATTER IS MOTHER.

I provide platforms for artists to create and perform new work through the intersectional performance collective ALL BOATS.


photo by @davidofearth

photo by @davidofearth

As a queer, gender fluid femme person, I come from a lifetime of learning how to take up space in my body and feel worthy of expansion and pleasure.

Knowing that the systems of oppression will never be able to fully hold the infinite complexity of all that we are as multi-dimensional beings, I’m interested in connecting with humans who are seeking support in breaking their minds and cracking their hearts open to a world of possibility that exists outside the binaries, systems, structures, rules and dogmas we’ve been given.

We need each other: to build, to grow, to learn, to fall down, to come home to our own bodies, to expand beyond the limitations of our bodies, to be at peace. I'm honored you've found me. Because you’re here, you’re my community. I'd love to hear from you whether you're seeking a teacher, a guide, a co-creator, a space or a friend. My art, my reading & my teachings, like my life, are a constantly evolving exploration of anti-capitalist, anti-racist & revolutionary practices & ideals.